
La Torre Outlet Zaragoza is environmentally responsible.


At La Torre Outlet Zaragoza shopping centre we believe that caring for and protecting the environment is fundamental. For this reason, our activities are carried out with care and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, implementing improvements that allow us to reduce the consumption of resources and raw materials, the generation of waste and emissions.

  • Environmental management and sustainability are central to our strategy. Thus, environmental criteria are a priority in our decision-making.
  • We are constantly monitoring compliance with current legislation and other environmental requirements. In addition, we regularly review our environmental performance and the safety of our facilities.
  • We use the cleanest and most efficient technologies available and economically viable, promoting the use of renewable resources.
  • We require our contractors and suppliers to deliver their services in compliance with these same principles.
  • We use our resources rationally, always looking for minimise environmental impacts (waste generation, emissions and discharges)..
  • We seek to minimise superfluous waste generation and encourage reuse and recycling.
  • We promote and participate in actions that support awareness and progress towards sustainability among our employees, customers and society in general.




In the La Torre Outlet Zaragoza shopping centre, for the year 2022, we have set ourselves different objectives in relation to our firm commitment to sustainability and the environment, both in terms of control, reduction and efficiency of resources and in terms of raising awareness, having achieved the following ones:

  • Purchase of green energy. The CNMC accredits that La Torre Outlet Zaragoza uses energy from 100% renewable sources and without CO2 emissions.


  • Achievement of the objective of reducing the consumption of natural resources, having gone from a consumption of 915902 kWh in 2021 to a consumption of 889905 kWh in 2022, achieving a 3% reduction in electricity consumption, even in the process of growth of the shopping centre.


  • In terms of water consumption, La Torre Outlet Zaragoza consumed 4719 m3 in 2022, compared to the 3691 m3 consumed in 2021. Irrigation water consumption has doubled in 2022, reaching 2002m3 due to the increase in green areas and vegetation that has been implemented in the shopping centre.


  • We continue to improve our lighting systems. We have 100% LED lighting throughout the park, as well as BMS system control to be able to carry out an exhaustive control of the intensity of the light and the switch-on times, in order to make the most of the natural light we have available.


  • 197 tonnes of paper and cardboard have been recycled, which means that, through this management, it has been possible to avoid the felling of 2955 trees and 5910 litres of water needed to produce these 197 tonnes of paper.


  • Provision of customer services that are qualified as environmentally friendly. A textile recycling container has been installed together with the aRopa2 Association, which has already collected more than 1,000kg of clothing so far this year. Two RECICLO packaging collection containers were also installed, offering benefits, discounts and offers to customers who use them.


  • Continuation of the environmental awareness policy by providing shopping centre operators with specific containers for the collection of the packaging they generate in the course of their activities.

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